I had to convince Dylan to be a strongman. It was the costume I had and I didn't want to make/buy anything else.

Morgan and I waved and smiled and blew kisses. After the show he said, "mom why did you keep waving at me?" Mom, "Well, I wasn't sure you could see me with all the other moms there." Dylan, "Oh" Mom, "Why, should I not wave and blow kisses?" (sad that it might already be coming to that!) Dylan, "No, your my mom!" Yes he doesn't care yet if I show affection to him in public. I hope that lasts for a long time!
He happens to have a friend from his Sunbeam class in his school class. She was a tightrope walker. Brenna loves tutu's - well anything girly according to her mom. She's a really cute girl! (The one in the black leotard.)

Happy (can't say Halloween so we'll have a) Circus Show Day!